I had fun with this gal. I started with a watercolor background. Then did her face with acrylic, pens and colored pencils. Finally I collaged her hair with newsprint from an Italian newspaper.
For months I have had so much trouble accessing my account. I could see my blog but couldn't access my dashboard where I log new posts. I have been so frustrated!!!! FINALLY something clicked and I got in. This is the reason I haven't posted in a very long time.Now I can get up to date...... I am happy to say that once again my creative juices are flowing. Cleaning out my art studio helped alot!!! I now have a clean, orderly place to work. I have spent the last couple of days in the studio and will soon be sharing some of my new work.
I'm a Mom, a Grandma and a Great-grandma. I am very close to my family but they just do not "get" my art. So I will share it here, hopefully with people that do "get" it and like it, or are at least interested in seeing it. I have just become a "health nut" (for the empteenth time in my life) and love studing nutrition and coming up with new recipes using only fresh ingredients. I am a Christian and God tops the list of my friends. He is also my Father, my Counselor and my Guide. I feel extremely blessed to have a loving family and many wonderful friends, including friends I have met online at MySpace and Flickr. I hope this blog will be a format for further communication with all those I hold dear and will, perhaps, put me in contact with some more fellow artists and health nuts.