I am on the 11th day of my diet and doing well. I feel like I finally have a handle on this. Have been reading my nutrition books (I have scads of them in my library collecting dust) and am eating as healthy as I can. I am feeling so much better too, as a result. I'm still tempted. Eating out with friends yesterday I so wanted fried chicken strips, french fries and chocolate cake! I sat there arguing with my reasonable self and was so proud of myself for making the healthy choice - grilled salmon, rice and veggies. They were good and I had no regrets. I have been doing water aerobics in the pool everyday, even the past two days that were cool and windy. I'm even spending more time in the kitchen cooking healthy stuff. The other day I made some killer apple muffins made with All Bran cereal, almond meal and oat bran. They are so good I feel guilty eating them, but they are very healthy. I feel I am on the right tract healthwise.
After a hiatus of a couple of weeks from my art, last night I had a burst of energy and an attack of creativity. I did another painting. I am happy with my angel but feel I now need to try a different style. Since today is another cool and windy day I am going to work in my art studio and see what I can conjure up.
Daily life just moves along and I am always curious to see where it will take me. What is so wonderful about this computer age is that I can drop in at other blogs and see what daily life is dishing up for them!