Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Vacation Bound

It's been over a month since I made an entry - my focus on things just doesn't last very long. To report on my diet, I have lost 9 pounds and have changed my eating habits. I am just hoping and praying I can remain committed to healthy eating while on vacation.
I am headed to San Diego with the whole family for Stephanie's wedding. My cousins, Mary and Nini from Mexico City are going to be there and I am sooooo excited to see them and be able to spend time with them. We are going to be staying with Martha and Jeff who are taking next week off from work and touring us around the San Diego area for a week. Then Mary will head home and Nini, Martha and I are going to Los Angeles to visit another cousin and tour LA for a week. From there Nini will come home with me and we plan to head to the central coast for 3 days. Whew, I am tired just writing about it. Hope I have the energy and stamina to pull this off!
I will be taking scads of pictures and will post some when I get home.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jeanne, congrats on the weight loss. I have lost 26 in the last 4 months. Still have another 15 or 20 to go. Hopefully this is the last time I have to do this, hopefully I will NOT gain it back!!!!! It is too hard to loose!!!

    Have a wonderful time with your family, cherish the time spent with them.

    Oh I saw book I recommend on your sidebar.
    I have Jesus Calling - just love it!!!!

    Blessings dear friend!
