Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Tomorrow is New Year's Eve - the old year is fading fast! It was a year filled with travel; reaquainting myself with relatives I hadn't seen in over 30 years; art (vistited lots of galleries and took 2 online classes); and tribulation. The last 3 months have been spent battling illness, Don's and my own. My problems are small potatoes compared to Don's. He was totally disabled for awhile and caring for him was a tough, stressful, full-time job. (I was so blessed to have Brigette here to help me with this burden.) Don has had a tough struggle in his fight against pain. It is not resolved yet but he is stronger than he has been in a couple of months. I feel like I'm coming out of a dark cave and seeing the light again! The New Year holds hope!
This year has taught me that I have to cling to my God and put all my hopes in Him! I can't expect anything from anyone but I can accept whatever help God provides. The help He provided during the crisis the past couple of months came from unexpected sources. People I didn't expect stepped forward with love, support and help. I am so thankful for all my dear friends and family that were here for us.
I don't have resolutions for the New Year but I do have plans. Plans to stay on a healthy diet, plans to start a Bible study and meet regularly with Godly women to study His Word, plans to get back to creating my art and plans to travel once again. And I know what God says about His plans for me! His are plans are for good and not for evil, to give me a future and a hope (Jer. 29:22). Amen and amen!


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog this morning. I think I might have to check out those small books at Pier One!! I just cannot resist books of any kind!

  2. It's hard to give up expectations, and just be thankful for and enjoy the blessings when they come. But it does make them sweet doesn't it?!
    I am glad you are seeing some relief on the horizon. Are you taking care of yourself to not overdue??

    Jeanne I wish you abundant blessings in the New Year!!

  3. Hi hon..sorry it took me so long to come visit, it's been one very busy end of the has for all of us...Remember you have many friends on the net who care about you, and are here for you sweetie!!! Blessings in the New Year...(((Hugs)))

  4. Hi Jeanne, you have not posted in awhile. I wanted to see how you are doing??
