Sunday, April 22, 2012

Back to Eden

My health journey from a couple of summers ago got derailed for awhile. The results were weight gain and a decline in my health. When I got my last lab results 6 weeks ago I modified my diet quite a bit cutting out sugar and white flour However, now I am ready to take the plunge and head back to Eden - back to eating the foods my Creator provided rather than what the food conglomerates try to tell us is food. My hope is that I can reverse the damage I've done, i.e., get my blood sugar and cholesterol to normal ranges. This time I am using the information in the book The Blood Sugar Solution by Mark Hyman, MD. I am so glad I tracked my last journey on this blog because I can refer back to the meals I was eating and the recipes I developed - knowing that they are something I can not only live with but also enjoy! I will be posting pics of my meals again and recipes.
For the first six weeks I am going dairy free and gluten free plus no grains, fruits (except berries) or processed foods (with a few exceptions).
I am on my 4th day and can already see a difference in my energy levels. Also, I am tickled pink because the warm weather has heated the pool so my swimming season is beginning early this year. I do my exercising in the pool - it is fun and stress free.
Also, my granddaughter and her family have also embarked on their own health journey, eating whole foods and a vegetarian diet. My daughter says she will also join us. Which means that we can be united in our approach to food when we have family gatherings. I am excited!
I love the challenge of creating healthy meals that are also appealing to the eye.
As I was having my morning visit with God I had epiphany: In the spiritual realm, when we become Christians we turn out lives over to God, we turn our thoughts toward God and strive to walk in obedience - that's how we do our part. God's Spirit then dwells in us and produces good fruit - love, joy, peace, etc.
It works likewise with our physical bodies. In our modern society a huge percentage of the food available to us is fake food - laden with fats, sugar and chemicals which makes us not only fat and sickly but addicted to the very food that makes us fat and sickly. Once we become aware of the turth that God provided the food we need which is full of the nourishment that provides energy and good health, then is it not the right and responsible thing to choose to feed our bodies with the fuel created for us? When we do, we our doing our part. That God-given fuel then gives our bodies what they need to keep them strong and healthy. My prayer is that I can remember this and not have this just be a temporary diet but a lifestyle I stick to for the rest of my life.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Jeanne!! I am not as into it as you are but have made drastic changes due to the Blood Pressure. I've had a real "awakening" to what's in processed food and now I almost get sick when I think of eating it!
